Just in case you didn't notice, I have a new blog background ! Again :) This is no ordinary blog background, no I did not get it off the backgrounds you get for free from what blog spot provides. This is extraordinary! You won't believe I got it from a web site entitled this because, well, I'm a boy. But the place I got it from was a website called cutest blog on the block .com :) Well anyway I picked out something I liked and, well, I like it! They have a very wide variety of backgrounds to choose from. I think It's awesome. I'm not exactly sure how you get onto your blog because Dear Mother did it for me. All I did was browse around and find some thing I liked and Dear Mother did the rest, and Bam! Just like magic it was on my blog. It was quite fascinating, no really it was.
I know I tend to write random posts and you must agree this is one of the most random ones I have ever wrote and well anyway, I am not quite sure where I inherited my randomness from, but I have it anyway. I don't think I have ever posted about a new blog background, hold on let me go check. Jeopardy music plays while Thaddeus scans through all his blog posts and after 2 times of the song playing, he returns. No I have never posted about a new blog background before. And since I'm random, today I went back to my old school to visit my 6th grade teachers, that was fun. Over the summer one got married and another got engaged and my already married teacher thankfully didn't change.
groovy blog!
Like your new look! Enjoyed your company on Friday!
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